Academic Solutions · Article

7 Reasons to Consider First Day® Complete from Faculty and Administrators

March 27, 2023

Barnes & Noble College posed the question. Faculty and administrators answered it—during a recent webinar on how First Day® Complete removes barriers from higher education by improving access, convenience, and affordability. The conversation yielded 7 compelling reasons for institutions to consider implementing the program to positively impact student outcomes.

Partners from University of the Cumberlands, Delgado Community College and the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg dissected their First Day Complete programs and the positive impact each has had on student outcomes, faculty’s ability to teach from day one, and the institution overall. They also answered audience questions to give a comprehensive view of the faculty and administrator experience.

Read on or watch the full discussion for more from the panelists in their own words.

7 reasons to consider first day complete


“First Day Complete has been a game changer for our student preparedness, retention and attrition. It’s a breath of fresh air for both faculty and students because students are now coming to class prepared. It is included in their tuition, so it’s not an extra burden or an extra cost outside of what is already bundled together.”

Dr. Amanda Rosenzweig, Biology Professor, College Wide Biology Department Chair, Delgado Community College


“Probably the number one question from faculty across the board was, ‘Will I still have academic freedom? Can I still select the textbook that I want to use for my class?’ So that was a resounding, ‘Yes, you can. It doesn’t have anything to do with your academic freedom. Get whatever textbook you would’ve gotten before, and that’s the textbook we’ll use.’ Once faculty felt comfortable that they could still have that academic freedom, it wasn’t a question at all.”

Lois McWhorter, Department Chair, Hutton School of Business, University of the Cumberlands


“I think the benefits that drove buy-in were student affordability and making it easier for the students to get their course materials; the fact that it could be integrated with our learning management system; and that the adoption portal for faculty was an easy process. The adoption portal was like an ‘aha!’ moment for the committee as we were listening to the proposals. Just the ease of use seemed like a tremendous advantage.

Ronna Colland, CPA, Director, Finance and Risk Management, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg


“We all were really excited about the opportunities for our students because First Day Complete honestly makes our experience a little bit easier, getting the semester going. It was a change, but this change was really positive. Our students were prepared on Day 1, and we could start teaching on Day 1. It was accessible. It was better for all.

We weren’t making accommodations and one-off changes to support a single student whose money hadn’t come through, who didn’t understand the process or just could not afford books, period. The program provided an experience for all students to start off on the same baseline.”  

Dr. Amanda Rosenzweig


Our data showed that success for students increased after we moved to this configuration – quicker access to course materials and eight-week sessions.

One of the important considerations we learned was the importance of being able to give feedback the first week of classes. Especially for first-generation college students, who may be very anxious about going to college. The feedback they get that first week in some cases helps them decide whether or not they’re going to stay. So having access to the textbook material and all the course material from day one really makes a difference.”

Lois McWhorter


“Our students often don’t understand the importance of having the proper material to support them through their learning journey. So going to First Day Complete has been phenomenal in the sense that it’s an all-in-one package. And, since it’s a set price, the students are aware from day one what they will be spending based on their credit enrollment.

Education is a priority for students, but daily living occurrences – electricity, food, travel, work – those are also priorities. This program allowed us to give students a very clear directive of what they can expect in their tuition and how this is going to benefit them moving forward.

Dr. Amanda Rosenzweig


First Day Complete has been a tremendous help to our campus and mostly to our students because they’re now getting their books on time. It’s just a whole different environment, and it’s been a really good experience for us.”

Ronna Colland

Ready to learn more? Watch our video to see how students experience First Day® Complete – and contact us to discuss how BNC can support the academic journey on your campus.

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